Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal
1 hour · Our specialists use the LaserDAN device, a three-wave high-quality laser for hair removal. It combines alexandrite, diode, and neodymium radiation.
4 999
LaserDan is an innovative and high-quality hybrid laser for hair removal and rejuvenation. This laser can simultaneously emit the following wavelengths: 755nm (alexandrite radiation), 808nm (diode radiation), and 1064nm (neodymium radiation). Thanks to this triple action, effectiveness is improved, and the laser allows even light hair to be removed.

LaserDAN is a three-wavelength, high-quality laser for hair removal and rejuvenation. It combines alexandrite, diode, and neodymium radiation.

Laser hair removal at DI'rz Beauty Salon

Hybrid laser device for hair removal: LaserDAN

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Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya street, 14x2